Bagi anda yang sedang mencari informasi tentang College of Social Sciences PhD Scholarships, University of Glasgow, UK maka di bawah ini Website Informasi Kuliah Sabtu Minggu menyampaikan tentang College of Social Sciences PhD Scholarships, University of Glasgow, UK sebagai berikut:
College of Social Sciences PhD Scholarships, University of Glasgow, UK
Applications are invited for up to 16 scholarships being offered by the College of Social Sciences to study for a PhD in an area of research linked to the college’s school/subject areas:
Adam Smith Business School
Subject PGR Convenors:
Accounting & Finance – Dr Yannis Tsalavoutas
Economics – Dr Francesca Flamini
Management – Dr Anna Morgan-Thomas
School of Education
School PGR Director: Dr Oscar Odena
School of Interdisciplinary Studies
School PGR Director: Dr David Borthwick
School of Law
School PGR Director: Professor Emilios Christodoulidis
School of Social & Political Sciences
Subject PGR Convenors:
Central & East European Studies – Dr Moya Flynn
Economic & Social History – Professor Malcolm Nicolson
Politics – Dr Mo Hume
Sociology – Dr Sarah Armstrong and Dr Nicole Bourque
Urban Studies – Dr Mhairi MacKenzie
Up to 6 of the available scholarships will be allocated to applicants applying to the Adam Smith Business School.
This is a highly competitive prestigious competition attracting a large number of applications and only high quality candidates will be shortlisted.
To increase your chances of securing funding, Home/EU (all subjects) and international (PhD Economics only) students should also apply for a DTC (ESRC) Pathway Scholarship 2016.
Prospective Home/EU and International PhD students (start date between October 2016 and January 2017) are eligible to apply. Students already in the first year of a University of Glasgow PhD (start date between 1st September 2015 and 1st September 2016) are also eligible to apply.
Both full-time and part-time students are eligible. Only students based at a University of Glasgow campus are eligible for the scholarship. Distance learning students are not eligible.
Students are not permitted to hold a College of Social Sciences Scholarship simultaneously with any other scholarship.
The Award
The scholarship will run for a maximum of 3 years full-time or 5 years part-time commencing between October 2016 and January 2017 and will provide:
- an annual maintenance grant (stipend) equivalent to the RCUK rate (£14,254 full-time/£8552.40 part-time tbc for 2016/17)
- fees at the standard Home/EU or International rate
- a research support grant of £750 (£450 part-time) per annum
Stipends are paid August-July, in line with the University of Glasgow financial year.
Successful applicants will be funded up until the end of their 3rd year of full-time PhD studies or their 5th year of part-time PhD studies.
How to Apply
Applicants not currently studying for a PhD in the College of Social Sciences must identify a potential supervisor prior to submitting an application, in order to secure a reference and develop a research proposal.
Please contact the relevant School PGR Director or Subject PGR Convenor listed above, in order to identify potential supervisors based on your proposed area of research.
All applicants should attach the following documentation to a single email and send to [email protected] by 17:00 on Monday 1st February 2016:
College of Social Sciences Scholarship Application Form
With all sections and final checklist completed.
Academic Transcript(s)
Full academic transcript(s) from previous studies (undergraduate and postgraduate), received to date. Electronic screenshots are acceptable for pending degrees or where a paper transcript is not available.
Two Academic References
On official headed notepaper and signed by referees.
References given to candidates in sealed envelopes should be opened, scanned and attached to the application email.
References can also be emailed direct to [email protected] by referees via their official University email address, clearly indicating the name of the applicant and the scholarship in their email header and file name.
Applicants currently studying for a PhD at the University of Glasgow should include one reference from their first supervisor. Other applicants should include one reference from a potential PhD supervisor at the University of Glasgow.
Second reference should be from an academic source e.g. previous supervisor, lecturer etc.
The University of Glasgow will not contact referees on the behalf of applicants.
College of Social Sciences Scholarship Research Proposal
Research proposal form should be completed and attached to the application email.
Additional items such as references and bibliography should be attached to the application email separately from the research proposal – i.e. on a different word document.
Proposals should be no longer than 1500 words, excluding references etc. Any proposal over 1500 words will not be considered.
Proposals must be checked and supported (via a reference) by a supervisor or potential supervisor.
Other Information
All documents should be named as follows: “CoSS Scholarship, Document Name, Student Name”
For example: “CoSS Scholarship, Reference 1, John Smith”
Scholarship applications for more than one subject area e.g. PhD Economics and PhD Accounting Finance must be submitted separately.
Any application which fails to meet the above requirements will not be considered.
All scholarship awards are subject to candidates successfully securing admission to the relevant PhD programme within the College of Social Sciences.
Applicants relying on a successful scholarship application to undertake a PhD will be invited to apply for admission should their scholarship application be shortlisted.
Applicants with alternative funding available in the event of an unsuccessful scholarship application should apply for admission to the PhD at the same time as applying for the scholarship.
The same documents can be used in support of both the scholarship and admission applications but should be submitted separately i.e. scholarship application documents emailed to Alan McConnell and admission application documents uploaded via the online system.
Selection Process
Applications will be shortlisted by a school selection panel using the following criteria:
- Out of 10 for academic record and references
- Out of 10 for research proposal
- Out of 5 for supervision and training
The final selection will be made by a college selection panel and candidates will be notified by Monday 21st March 2016.
For more information, please visit official website: www.gla.ac.uk.
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