Bagi anda yang sedang mencari informasi tentang Media Film and Music Master Scholarships, University of Sussex, UK maka di bawah ini Website Informasi Kuliah Sabtu Minggu menyampaikan tentang Media Film and Music Master Scholarships, University of Sussex, UK sebagai berikut:
Media Film and Music Master Scholarships, University of Sussex, UK
The School of Media, Film and Music is delighted to offer four £5,000 scholarships to UK/HEU and non EU students who have been accepted on any of the following Masters programmes starting in October 2011:
- Film Studies
- Gender and Media
- Media and Cultural Studies
- Creative Media Practice
- Digital Media
- Digital Documentary
- Journalism and Media
- Journalism and Documentary
- Multimedia Journalism
- Music
- Opera and Music Theatre
- Composing Sonic Media
The scholarships are offered as a reduction in tuition fees of £5,000 and will be awarded to students who possess the highest academic ability and potential (not made on the basis of financial need).
- Applicants must have been offered a place on one of the above Masters degrees.
- Applicants must commence the degree in October 2011 (awards cannot be deferred to subsequent years).
- Current Sussex undergraduate students are eligible to apply.
Application procedure
Applications should be made on the
Application Form (PDF) .
Application Form (DOC 77kb) .
By 1 May 2011: Deadline for all applications to be received
By 31 May 2011: Applicants notified of the outcome of their application by email
Further information
For further information on the scholarships please contact Mrs Pat Mounce
Tel: +44 1273 872574
Email: [email protected]
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