Postdoctoral Researcher in Mechatronics and PhD student in Mechatronics

Bagi anda yang sedang mencari informasi tentang Postdoctoral Researcher in Mechatronics and PhD student in Mechatronics maka di bawah ini Website Informasi Kuliah Sabtu Minggu menyampaikan tentang Postdoctoral Researcher in Mechatronics and PhD student in Mechatronics sebagai berikut:

Postdoctoral Researcher in Mechatronics and PhD student in Mechatronics

We are one of Poland’s leading Universities committed to maintaining our position at the forefront of our field in research. We are delighted to invite applications for eight unique and prestigious positions sponsored by the Foundation for Polish Science under the WELCOME programme and financed from the European Funds. The offer is directed to outstanding individuals willing to perform multidisciplinary research in collaboration with leading research groups across the world.
The WELCOME programme supports research projects carried by outstanding scientists from abroad establishing research teams in Polish Scientific institutions. The project “Universality of Non-classical Approaches in Mechatronics” will be carried in our laboratories in 2011-2015.

Please visit Official Website. for full details and the application procedure.
Application Deadline : 30 April 2011
Visit Official Website.


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